Friday, July 31, 2009

New Muisc + New Pin!

Yo!!! SUP guys i got some juicy stuff for ya, check this, i almost got 6 thousand hits i should have over 6 thousand its by tommorow next is the new pin it is in the coffee shop and it is a toy sail boat lol! Also cp made new music and severs i didnt get a chance to post about servers tho o well anyways heres the new music "Keytar Jam", "Rocksteady" "All-Access Pass", & "Rocking Pizza"


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Color Vote Ended & New Windows Coming Soon

The color vote ended and it didnt even last as long as it said i didn't even get to vote!

Now G needs our help in the cave with the windows cuz they were to long and thats what caused the flood or somthin. The new pin will show tommorow July 31-Aug. 13.

New peng color being annouced Aug. 7th it will show up in the new peng style catolog, i bet lavender won cuz theres like a billion girls who like that color :( I want aqua!!!
Aug. 7th-Sept. 4th is the new peng style catolog.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Really Funny Balloons


Monday, July 27, 2009

Computer Broken

Recently my computer has been broken i will be posting cheats soon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Voting Booth

Check it out... the voting booth will start this friday until July 28th in other news, the penguin tales writing contest begins this thursday, they even made the booth the lavender. maroon, and aqua colors.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Banning

New Better Igloos Catolog For July 09

Music Jam Cheats

Go to the backstage and go where it says instruments and click the top of the i and click the o in the words.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Music Jam 09 & New Pin

Hey guys heres the new pin and also the music jam party is the exact same as last year! exept they made a few changes and you cant get the items yet because cp hasnt updated them yet.

There is a free item its just like Cadence's headphones!

The Ban

Cp Music Jam 09 Updates

Music Jam 09 starts tomorow!!! I don't have sound so i wont enjoy it to much but when i go back home to my other computer i will have sound! xP
Seems like everythings happening july 17 exept the color vote and the new pin will be posted tomorow!

New Penguin Colors!!!

Awesome we get to choose a new color, its been 3 years since we got to choose a new color in 2006 we chose the green lime color. It is weird that cp keeps doing this review by you stuff like any week, anyways we get to choose from Lavender, Maroon, & Aqua. Also i've been working on what the colors are going to be. I hope cp doesn't post what the colors are gonna look like cuz i worked hard on these colors!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I went to Spq96's birth day today it was awesome and Cena12121 showed up and he added me! Sweet! Here are some pics i took. Happy birth day Spq96!

Music Jam 09 Sneak Peek Of The Cave

Here is a sneak peek of the cave just like last year i bet they are gonna have the piano again at the pool, awesome. Here are the icicles that make music again just like last year.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brown Puffle Mystery?

Is there really a brown puffle!? Long before there was a new puffle catolog and everything ppl have seen this brown puffle house! Cp doesn't sell them anymore but i have one left! This is not an edit on the puffle house. What do you think?


Monday, July 13, 2009

Music Jam 09 Sneak Peek!!!

Yo heres a sneak peek for the music jam 09, AWESOME! Check it out, I think that place is the iceberg. Please join my new army the C.U.C./Clubpenguin Ultimate Cheaters.

C.U.C./ Clubpenguin Ultimate Cheaters

I'm making an army called c.u.c./clubpenguin ultimate cheaters.
If you don't have some of those items you can kinda mix them up a little like if you dont have those glasses just use different glasses and if your having a big problem with the items just email me at or comment ;) Please join my army if you do ill maybe let you post cp cheats on here to and i can teach you or ill take pics of you and post them.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Splatter T-Shirt Sneak Peek!

Sup peng cheaters! Here is a sneak peek of what the splatter t shirt is gonna be like ;)
Cool huh?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Follow Me On Twitter

Come follow me and chat with me on twitter.

Ruby & The Ruby Stage Cheats

Here are the cheats for the new stage and at the last page drag the words down and you will see the backround.

New Cp Toy & T-Shirt Winner

Check it out cp made a new clubpenguin toy.
Also the t shirt winner is the splatter! awsome

Ruby & The Ruby

Again the Ruby & The Ruby is playing at the stage. Cp Cheats for the stage catolog will be posted. ;)

Cp T-Shirt Vote

Check it out clubpenguin is having another vote, this time for T shirts, i like the splatter.

Music Jam Party Sneak Peek

The music jam party will be only for the 17-26, heres a sneak peek...


Friday, July 3, 2009

Music Jam 09

Awesome just like last year we are having another jam!!! and again like last year members are gonna be able to get in with a V.I.P. pass, sorry non members.

Cloud Wave Bracers

Now we can buy this item that when your wearing the ninja suit and mask and the bracers you wave and clouds appear and you turn invisable.

Penguin Style July 09 Cheats

Here are the clubpenguin catolog cheats for the penguin style catolog.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pin & Sensei Tracker

Hey everyone i wont be able to post cheats until like maybe 2 weeks because i moved, really sorry but i came up with some cheats that should work... Hopefully the pin tracker will change to the new pin as usally ;) also im sorry i might not post the cheats for the new catolog. Also this sensei tracker should work.

Upcoming Events

There is a new catolog for clothing and senseis coming and theres a new play coming and a new pin coming! And the party jam 09 is coming!!!!! Just like last year it was one of the funest parties. Also this new thing called festival dates is coming july 17!