Friday, February 12, 2010

We Moved

Hey guys we moved, (Click Here) or visit

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Site

Hey guys im making a new web site because on this one it wouldn't let me make a pic for my title but on my other one it did and my other site is looking pretty good and i'll be working on it in my free time so it will probly be finished in a few days and the reason i cancled the membership contest was because noone comments and when i start getting some comments from ppl is when i will have a contest. I might have a contest every month when i start getting more viewers. When my new site is ready i will be using that site instead, heres the link. (Click Here) Also i might change my domain for that blog. Mostly because im starting a new site is it wont let me make a pic for my header and its because i have so many links on the sidebars on this site so i will have to change it all and ill get confused. Also later on, on my new site we will probly have contests for ppl to post cheats with me.



Hey guys storm here, CP said theres going to be improvements and that they're upgrading the servers to make the game faster.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Stage Sneak Peek

Yo, the secrets of the bamboo forest stage is coming up, heres a sneak peek.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Membership Contest Canceled

Sorry guys membership contest has been cancled.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Peng Style Cheats Feb. 2010

Hey guys the new catolog is finally here check it out.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb. Sneak Peek

Hey guys if you remember from last year the pic on the left where they had this little puffle playground and the picture to the right, i'm not really sure i think it looks like a puffle heater or its new furniture for the puffles. The other pic to the right shows the new stage thats coming up.